Recognising fraud
Learn to recognise the different types of fraud.
Scammers send emails and text messages that look like messages from the bank or the tax authorities, for example. The messages will ask you if you want to mail your phone number back. Or you may be asked to approve something because you are getting a tax refund. Do not do this lightly. Please first check that this message and the company are genuine. There are also scammers who ask you to send them your bank card. Don't do it. We will never ask you to send us your bank card.
Nowadays, scammers often call 06 numbers pretending to be employees working for authorities such as the police. A common scam is a telephone call in English on behalf of The National Police of the Dutch Supreme Court. A tape might play telling you that your BSN number has been misused. Do not respond to requests over the telephone. Never share information to verify your identity and never transfer money to secure it. Real authorities will not ask you to do this.
Fraudsters are increasingly posing as 'bank employees'. A fake bank employee may call you with a phone number that matches the bank's number. Such an 'employee' might say that someone else has access to your account. This 'employee' proposes to help you remotely. Never install software that an 'employee' can use to access your banking environment. We will never ask you to download software.
Just imagine: one fake phone call and your savings are gone! It happens more often than you’d expect. To make sure you don’t fall prey to scammers’ tricks and lose your savings, check out the free Savings Lock, the key to your savings account. Extra protection for you and your savings.
Together, we can continue banking securely. Having your correct personal information helps us prevent others from misusing your account. That is why we regularly ask you to check and confirm your details.
However you pay, withdraw money or transfer money, we do our best to make sure you can do so safely. For example, we close down scam accounts and try to identify fraudulent payments. Want to find out what else ABN AMRO does to combat fraud?