A legal expenses insurance insures you against the costs of legal assistance in the event of a dispute. A dispute can arise unexpectedly and at any time. It could be a disagreement with your landlord, at work or in traffic. Having legal expenses insurance means you are not alone. We are happy to help you. The legal expenses insurance consists of 6 modules that you can choose between and create your legal expenses insurance policy.
Log into Internet Banking and click through to your legal expenses insurance
Click 'Change insurance' and you will be taken to the ABN AMRO Verzekeringen environment.
Click the legal expenses insurance policy again and make the changes. Need more explanation? Read more here
Log into Internet Banking and click through to your legal expenses insurance
Click 'Change insurance' and you will be taken to the ABN AMRO Verzekeringen environment.
Click the legal expenses insurance policy again and make the changes. Need more explanation? Read more here
Unfortunately, legal expenses insurance does not insure you against legal conflicts that arose before the insurance took effect. For example, you are not covered if colleagues told you about a scheduled reorganisation before you took out the insurance policy. You are also not covered if you only take out an insurance after you have been involved in a traffic accident or you get into an argument after you are already divorced. An ongoing or foreseen conflict is therefore not covered by the insurance policy.
It can happen. Your conflict may not be covered by your selected modules, or your conflict might have arisen before the effective date of the insurance policy, or you may not have legal expenses insurance. If you would still like legal assistance, you can call ARAG for advice during office hours. ARAG will be happy to help you. Read about the options under 'Frequently asked questions' on this page.
ABN AMRO's legal expenses insurance is for all ABN AMRO private clients who live in the Netherlands. You need an ABN AMRO bank account in order to take out the insurance policy. The premium is debited from that bank account.
Your partner and children are also insured through ABN AMRO's legal expenses insurance. This also applies to children who study full-time and living away from home.
You select the effective date of your insurance policy. The insurance policy takes effect after the insurer has accepted your application. From that moment on, you can use the legal expenses insurance in the event of a conflict or when a conflict is imminent. Ongoing or foreseen conflicts are not covered.
You can still cancel the insurance policy within 14 days after taking it out. Return the policy, freepost, to:
ABN AMRO Verzekeringen
Antwoordnummer 9000
8000 VB Zwolle
The premium of your legal expenses insurance depends on a number of factors, including your family situation. Calculate your premium online in a few simple steps.
ABN AMRO Bank N.V. mediates for private clients in non-life insurance products of ABN AMRO Schadeverzekering N.V. We receive a fee of 20% of the premium for providing this mediation. More information about our services: Information sheet on non-life insurance .
You will receive a package discount of up to 3 to 5% if you have three or more insurance policies with ABN AMRO.
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If you personal situation changes, it might be time to take an insurance check. That way, you can avoid being double insured or even not having enough cover.
You may receive double cover from the modules in the legal expenses insurance policy and other insurance policies. We explain exactly how this works and which things you need to bear in mind.