You receive tips and offers that are appropriate for you and can benefit you as a client. In this context, we use personal data that we received from you, for example when you requested information about sustainable products and services in the past, or because you are already a client of ours. In this context, we may also use personal data that we received from other sources, such as public data sources and marketing agencies. We only do this if it is permitted by law.
We are required to guarantee the security and integrity of the financial sector. We may therefore use your personal data to prevent or combat attempted or actual criminal or undesirable acts, such as fraud or terrorism. This enables us to guarantee the security and integrity of the financial sector, our organisation, our employees and you, as the client. We may also use your personal data for our internal and external warning systems.
As a bank, we play a key role in society. We want to help our clients make the transition towards sustainability so that they can contribute to a sustainable economy. Within the limits of the law, we participate in alliances with public parties and with financial and other institutions.
Through these alliances, we want to use our special position within society to make a positive contribution in tackling certain social problems. Examples include cooperating in the fight against terrorist financing or subversive and serious crime.
We may use your personal data for other purposes than the purpose for which you supplied the personal data to us. In that case, the new purpose must be in line with the purpose for which you initially provided your personal data to us. The law refers to this principle as ‘compatible use of personal data’. The law does not specify exactly when a use is compatible, although it does provide guidance:
We may share your personal data within our group for specific purposes. This may be done for internal administrative purposes, such as optimising data quality and improving our services to you. We do this because the law requires us to do so, to enable us to comply more effectively and efficiently with the law, or to fulfil our duty of care.
Moreover, the banker's oath requires us to consider your interests as a client whenever we make decisions. If, for example, you apply to us for a loan, we need to know whether you already have a loan from, or current account or savings account with, one of our subsidiaries. This allows us to gain a more complete picture of your financial situation.
To give another example, we may also share your personal data to enable us to better comply, as a group, with the rules aimed at combatting money laundering and terrorist financing. It may also be necessary for us to share personal data within our group in connection with a fraud investigation. In every case, we first check whether sharing your personal data is permitted within the legal parameters.
If we need personal data from you in order to conclude a contract with you, and you refuse to provide this data even though this is required by law, or these personal data are required for the contract, we will unfortunately not be able to enter into the contract with you. The required personal data is specified in the online forms and other forms we occasionally need you to complete.
Do you want us to remove your personal data from our systems? We are unfortunately unable to remove required or other personal data that we need, for instance for the performance of the contract you have with us, or because we are required to keep this data by law or owing to a legitimate interest of the bank.
If you visit a branch of our bank, we may capture images of you on camera. This is necessary to prevent burglary, theft and vandalism and to ensure the safety of our clients and employees. We can also be contacted by telephone or through video banking or chat sessions, for instance for mortgage advice. We may record these conversations. We do this for the following purposes:
a) to improve our services, for example so that we can coach or assess the performance of our employees;
b) we have a legal obligation;
c) in order to be able to provide evidence, or;
d) to prevent fraud.
We treat such recordings with due care. The rules that apply to other personal data also apply to the making of recordings. You may exercise your rights, such as your right of access.