Sometimes a payment order cannot be processed, for example, if there were insufficient funds in your account at the time of the transfer. A payment may also take longer to process, for example, if you are transferring funds to a foreign account. You can see if your payment has been rejected or is still being processed by taking the following steps:
The following list shows where you can find overviews of payments scheduled to be debited from your account in the near future:
Go to 'Accounts' > 'Select the three dots next to Account overview and select more settings. Here, you can do the following:
Arrange your accounts in the order you prefer.
Hover your cursor over one of your accounts. A hand should appear. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the account up or down.
Select the accounts you do and do not want to appear in your overview.
Hover your cursor over one of your accounts. A hand should appear. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the account to 'Visible in outline’ or 'Not visible in outline'.
Give your accounts more convenient names.
Click the account and then click once in the name field. Change the name and click 'Save'.
Add a photo to make your account more recognisable.
In the left of the screen, click the small black arrow underneath 'Way of presenting the accounts'. Select ‘Advanced: with images’. Then select the green pencil next to the account to which you want to add a photo, and follow the instructions.