If you are applying for a loan and this is your first-time meeting with us, please be sure to submit your annual figures at least 72 hours before the scheduled appointment.
We may need further information from you.
Please be sure to submit your annual figures at least 72 hours before the scheduled appointment.
We suggest using the sustainable investment tool so that you can have a good idea of what’s what and come well prepared.
If you can’t see your topic in the list, don’t worry. All you need to do is send us your annual figures.
We do not need any other documents from you at this time.
If you are applying for a loan and this is your first-time meeting with us, please be sure to submit your annual figures at least 72 hours before the scheduled appointment.
We may need further information from you.
Please be sure to submit your annual figures at least 72 hours before the scheduled appointment.
We suggest using the sustainable investment tool so that you can have a good idea of what’s what and come well prepared.
If you can’t see your topic in the list, don’t worry. All you need to do is send us your annual figures.
We do not need any other documents from you at this time.
Having your annual figures available will allow our adviser to better prepare for the appointment. Submit the final (consolidated) annual report for 2022 using SBR or, if that’s not an option, via Internet Banking for business clients.
Please note: these must be the annual figures for a full financial year and no older than 18 months. Once the appointment has been scheduled, you will receive a message from us in Internet Banking for business clients explaining how to send us the other documents.
If we have not received your annual figures at least 72 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment, we will unfortunately have to cancel it.