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Private Banking savings accounts

ABN AMRO MeesPierson

Saving at Private Banking

  • Select a savings account that suits your situation
  • Savings with a variable or fixed interest rate
  • For individuals, entrepreneurs and investors

We usually have a certain purpose in mind for our savings. That is why you can choose a savings account at ABN AMRO MeesPierson that suits your wishes and your goals. You can choose a Private Banking Savings Account, but you can also open a savings account, for example, for your foundation, your company or your investments.

Afb sparen ABN AMRO MeesPierson EN

Private Banking Savings Account

The Private Banking Savings Account is for private individuals, private pension funds, foundations and non-profit associations that do not run a business. With this account, you have the freedom to withdraw money free of charge, whenever you want.


New: the Savings Lock

Just imagine: one fake phone call and your savings are gone! It happens more often than you’d expect. To make sure you don’t fall prey to scammers’ tricks and lose your savings, check out the Savings Lock, the key to your savings account. Extra protection for you and your savings.


Pinsparen: Save as you spend

Save as you spend: our slimme betaalregel (smart payment rule) Pinsparen allows you to set money aside automatically every time you use your debit card. Simply decide for yourself how much you want to save each day. Saving money has never been this easy.

For your business or foundation

Charitas Spaarrekening EN

Charitas Savings Account

Especially for foundations and associations.

Private Banking Zakelijk Sparen EN

Private Banking Business Savings Account

The business savings account for private banking clients.

More information

Afb Spaarrente ABN AMRO MeesPierson EN

Interest rate

You can find the current interest rates of each account here.

Afb Historisch ABN AMRO MeesPierson EN

History interest rates

You can find an overview of past interest rates of each account here.

Afb Rekening ABN AMRO MeesPierson EN

Close your savings account

can be closed online or by calling Private Assistance,  +31 (0)20 343 43 43 .