If you report the fraudster's phone number to WhatsApp, they will block the number once they have confirmed that the report is valid. In this way, you help prevent other people from being swindled. Want to save the contents of the chat conversation for the purposes of a police report, for example? Take a screenshot and then follow the steps below.
The above steps may appear slightly differently on your own mobile phone.
Send a payment request to the buyer yourself, using Tikkie for instance.
Fraudsters also operate as sellers, selling you something, but failing to send it to you after you have made the payment.
Fraudsters will often try to sell you something on eBay or in online shops that they delete again after a few days. So make sure you are always on the alert. If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is!
If you have fallen victim to fraud, we advise you to report the matter to the police first of all. If the fraudster is known to the police, we can share their name and address details with you. If you wish, you can use this information to engage a lawyer, debt collection agency or bailiff yourself. You will then be able to hold the fraudster liable directly and may be able to get your money back through the civil courts.
If you have already reported the matter and would like the fraudster’s name and address details, please get in touch with us.