Companies issue shares to get money. With that money, a company can undertake activities and make investments. If you buy a share in a company, you are a participant in the company’s capital. You also often have voting rights at the shareholders’ meeting and you receive a dividend. That is the money that a company pays out to its shareholders when a profit is made. Shares can be listed on the stock exchange, but this is not necessary. At ABN AMRO you invest in listed shares.
The value of shares depends on the performance of the company and developments on the financial markets. The return on shares consists of an increase in the value of the share and the dividend. Investing in shares is interesting if you want to have a chance of a higher return than with other asset classes, such as bonds.
Investing your money in shares carries more risk than investing in other categories. Is the company in which you have shares not doing well? Then the value of your shares will fall. In the event of bankruptcy, your shares may no longer be worth anything. The price of shares can be very volatile.
You have access to shares and ETFs of a number of Dutch and international stock exchanges. Choice of over 100 investment funds, which you can buy and sell without transaction costs.
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