Test your SEPA files with credit transfer batches or direct debit batches, and your non-SEPA files with credit transfers via Swift MyStandards before delivering them to us. This allows you to quickly see whether your files are technically correct. Or what you need to change so they comply with SEPA or non-SEPA rules.
Use the correct ISO XML file format for this purpose. You can read below how to ensure the delivery of these files goes smoothly.
You create your own files according to the format description for SEPA files and non-SEPA files. When you submit the files to us, we automatically check whether they are technically correct and whether we can process them. You can also easily check your files yourself in advance by testing them via Swift MyStandards.
The ABN AMRO specifications for all SEPA and non-SEPA files have been published on the Swift MyStandards website. You will also find an automatic test tool there that allows you to have your files checked against ABN AMRO specifications. You will then immediately see whether your files are correct or what you still need to adjust.
To do so, go to https://www2.swift.com/myswift/.