For OTC derivatives transactions an exchange-traded derivatives, each party must report every transaction to a Trade Repository.
The reporting obligation applies to both financial and non-financial counterparties. All derivatives transactions must be reported to a Trade Register (TR). This applies to both new transactions and changes to existing transactions. In this way, supervisors gain better insight into the use of derivative transactions in the financial markets and into the individual portfolios of parties. ABN AMRO uses Univista TRADEcho B.V. as TR.
For transactions between ABN AMRO and a non-financial counterparty that does not exceed the clearing thresholds (NFC-), ABN AMRO is responsible for reporting on behalf of both parties. This means that we will report the transaction to the TR on your behalf, unless you indicate that you wish to report the transaction yourself.
If you which to report the transactions yourself, please complete the relevant Mandatory Reporting opt-out form below, have it signed by the authorized persons and return it to ABN AMRO by regular mail or email.
Please bear in mind that you must state your LEI on the signature sheet.
Postal address:
c/o Treasury Sales Support (HQ7206)
Gustav Mahlerlaan 10
1082 PP Amsterdam
The Netherlands
To ensure that the reporting of your transactions runs smoothly, two codes are needed: the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) and the Unique Trade Identifier (UTI). The codes ensure that the reporting process is efficient and that the information matches.